make it loop

Just a quick update on the digi project.

The town is now almost done. Missing 3 houses but just because I don’t know what I want them to be yet. Will work on creating some more characters now and then hopefully by the end of the week I’ll have all the diffent bits and pieces to start animating. It’s ridiculouse how much work goes in to a 2-3min sequence.

A problem I had with the whole animation was how to end it. After a chatt with Graham the solution is to not end it at all… in other words make it loop. So I’ll have to work out how to extend peoples stories in order for it to happen, but all in good time. Well kinda. Two weeks till handin.


Atmos-Cube in print

While we have been buisily working on our proposal document we have also started printing merchendise for our R&D project.

We decided, since we’ve got 3D printers at our University, to actually print the small cubes. Non of us are 3D modlers, however we were in luck because we could just sketch out what we had in mind and Kevin Hallsworth from the College of Arts made the model and printed it for us.

This is what our sketch looked like and the model Kevin made.



cube logo 1d single yellow(1) cube logo 1d single(1)

We had two cubes printed and now have worked on packaging for them.

IMG_20151127_145037944_HDR IMG_20151201_215159

The next step will be printing the proposal document and posters, fyers etc.