It is now about a year ago that I had my first “proper” idea for a stop-motion project. The storyboard looked something like this:
As you can see it ends with a big question mark. That has always been my problem. I have lots and lots of half-ideas as I like to call them. Moments that I can see clearly in my head. I see the colours, I see camera movement, I hear all the sounds and noises and feel how the scene should feel, but then the big question mark. How does it go on, what happens before, how does the character develope, who is the character anyway? Although I still didn’t have an anwer to the question mark I did start creating short stop motion trials for this storyboard.
The first one is just a simple study of water.
For the second one I paid more attention to colour and TRIED to make it look like it was night.
but that’s as far as I got with it. I realised that if I wanted to creat a stop motion short for my final project there is no way I would be able to achieve it by myself.
So the plan so far is find a team and come up with a proper idea, one without question marks on the storyboard. Both issues are being worked on. The team will probably consist of me and my partner in crime from last year, Jasmine Hughes. However I’m debating whether we might need one more person, depending how big we want the project to be. When It comes to ideas, I’ve got lots more “half-ideas” which I’ll talk about in the next post.